

Timing of examination

  1. University professional examination to be started from May and November.
  2. University professional examinations will be completed within the specified time of the concerned phase
  3. No carry on system before passing 1st professional examination

Common Rules for Examinations:

After passing 1st professional examination students can appear for 2nd professional examinations if all other prerequisites for 2ndprofessional examination are fulfilled. In the mean-time students can attend clinical ward placement, teaching learning. To appear 3rd professional examination students have to pass all the subjects of previous 2nd professional examination if all other prerequisites are fulfilled. In the mean-time students can attend clinical ward placement, teaching learning. Students can also attend the classes of subjects of 4th phase. To appear 4th (Final) professional examination students have to pass all the subjects of previous 3rd professional examination if all other prerequisites are fulfilled. In the mean-time students can attend clinical ward placement, teaching learning.


There will be in-course (card/item/term) and end-course (professional) assessment for the students in each phase (1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th phase) of the course i.e. formative and summative examination. Formative assessment will be done through results of items, card and term ending examination & class attendance. For formative assessment, 10 % marks of written examination of each paper of each subject is allocated. For MCQ of each paper, 20% marks are allocated. There will be separate answer script for MCQ part of examination. For SAQ of each paper, 70% marks are allocated Oral part of the examination will be structured OSPE / OSCE will be used for assessing skills/competencies. Traditional long & short cases will be also used for clinical assessment. There will be phase final examination within the each academic phase

Eligibility criteria for appearing in the professional examination:

Certificate from the respective head of departments regarding students obtaining at least 75% attendance in all classes (theory, practical, tutorial, residential field practice, clinical placement etc.) during the phase. Obtaining at least 60% marks in formative assessment. No student shall be allowed to appear in the professional examinations unless the student passes in all the subjects of the previous professional examinations.

Pass Marks:

Pass marks is 60%. Student shall have to pass written (MCQ + SAQ + Formative), oral, practical and clinical examination separately.

Limitations in taking part at the examination:

Student will have only four chances to pass a particular professional examination. Chances of the examination will be counted in the case of 1st professional from the period the student is scheduled to appear on the basis of his/her admission, in the case of 2nd professional examination, the period of one and half years after passing the 1st professional, in the case of final professional examination, the period of one & half year after passing the 3rd professional examination. If any student appear in professional examination 4 times or fails to appear within that period, he/she will not be eligible for next professional examination unless it is approved by the faculty of Medical University, Rajshahi. This provision will be limited to 2nd, 3rd& final professional examination. This provision of special permission will not be applicable in the case of 1st professional examination. Failure to appear at the examination (due to any reason) amounts to failure and will not permit the student to have another chance in lieu of non-appearing at any examination.